A Selection of the Lies/Deceit of Jacinda Ardern

The vaccine we are using in New Zealand is safe and effective”. As this book has shown, this is not so.

“Not only will there be no forced vaccinations, but those who choose to opt out won’t face any penalties at all”. This was proved to be a lie by her own words a month later when she said on 22nd October, 2021, “Anyone who is not vaccinated right now will not be able to enjoy the freedoms of other New Zealanders”.

During a protest against the vaccine at Wanganui on 3rd November, 2021, Ardern denied that the government had “flip-flopped” on its promise not to mandate vaccinations when it had already mandated them for border workers, health workers and teachers.

“We will continue to be your single source of truth.” This would have to be her biggest lie to date as the contents of this book amply show.

There is no mandate around children being vaccinated – it is up to a parent or caregiver”. No, it’s not as 12 to 18 year olds were being vaccinated at school without their parents’ consent.

When it was announced in January, 2022, that New Zealand’s cost of living had had its biggest annual jump in three decades the ACT leader, David Seymour, said, “The government’s relentless borrowing and spending has also added to the cost of just about everything. Locking the economy down and borrowing $50 billion so far has left us with a mountain of debt and rising prices”. This statement was supported by the economist and former Governor of the Reserve Bank, Doctor Don Brash, who wrote, “No single factor explains the rise in inflation but the scale of the Government’s borrowing is certainly one contributing factor”. As Newshub reported, Ardern who, unlike Seymour and Brash, knows little, if anything about economics, “absolutely refutes claims that the Government’s billions of spending on Covid led to record inflation”. Not so.

On Election Night, 2020, Ardern promised, “We will be a party that governs for every New Zealander”. Instead, she has caved in to the bullying demands of her “Maori caucus” to pass large public resources to the tribal elite and grant more and more special, race-based rights to “part-Maoris”. This is not governing “for every New Zealander” but for the few with a bit of bullying power. Nor is her removal of ordinary freedoms and long held basic rights from those who choose not to have the Covid jab “governing for every New Zealander”.

At the same time she promised that her government would be “the most honest, most transparent government that New Zealand has ever had”. So why is she implementing the He
Puapua Report under the radar and having it discussed by her officials only on marae and not at this stage in public?

This government will….strengthen transparency around official information”. In the words of senior journalist, Andrea Vance, “Since then the number of faceless communications specialists has skyrocketed. The Government’s iron grip on the control of information has tightened. And it is harder than ever to get information. In my twenty years as a journalist this Government is one of the most thin-skinned and secretive I have ever experienced. Many of my colleagues say the same…..
At every level the Government manipulates the flow of information.”

The Treaty of Waitangi was a “partnership between the Crown and Maori”. No, it wasn’t. It was a full cession of sovereignty by the chiefs (Article 1) in return for granting all the people of New Zealand full rights as British subjects (Article 3). When Ardern was asked by a journalist to state what the three short, simple articles of the Treaty said, she was unable to do so.

At the 2020 Election Ardern and her Labour Party promised that “Labour will ensure that the major decisions about local democracy involve full participation of the local population from the outset”. Shorty after being elected to government Ardern allowed her Minister of Local Government (some would say her puppet-master). Nanaia Mahuta, to remove the right of ratepayers to call for a poll of local people whenever a council should go down the road of apartheid by voting for one or more race-based “Maori wards” in a municipality.

We are one”, screamed Ardern in the wake of the mosques massacre as she pranced around in front of the cameras wearing an Islamic veil, the centuries old symbol of the suppression of women in Islam.

She knew that this was a lie because, at the very time she was uttering it, her government was trying to promote a racist piece of legislation, the Canterbury Regional Council (Ngai Tahu) Representation Bill, to enable this small private tribe to have two permanent seats on the otherwise democratically elected Canterbury Regional Council.

To burnish the racist credentials of her government even further, Ardern’s Budget of May, 2019, handed over $593 million of taxpayers’ money to specific race-based programmes that support not the poor and needy but people purely on the basis of their race, including $42 million for “Maori” students in education, $27.4 million for students of Pacific Island blood and their families, $98 million for “Kaupapa Maori”, $11 million to boost the Pacific Business Trust, and $12 million for rheumatic fever programmes purely for Maori and Pacific Island children. What about other children?

To compound her racism, hypocrisy and deceit she said in Christchurch on 20th March, 2019, “Let New Zealand be a place where there is no tolerance of racism”. With her usual contempt for the intelligence of New Zealanders she was brazenly saying one thing and doing the exact opposite.

In 2021 she misled local councils by telling them that the Government’s proposed theft of council owned water assets in the form of “Three Waters” would be “voluntary” when the decision to make it compulsory had already been made, according to a document dated July, 2021. She compounded her dishonesty by then denying that she had misled the councils.

I haven’t seen evidence of the kinds of issues [China’s interference in Australian politics] in Australia here in New Zealand” or that “foreign nations [read: China] had any undue influence in New Zealand”. Is she blind, crooked or stupid? What about all the six figure donations to the National Party by China Inc., the commercial arm of China’s dictatorship, ($180,000 from Oravida, $63,500 from China based Xiao Miao Fan, $150,000 from Gao Wei through his Alpha Group Holdings, $35,000 from Che Weixing (a.k.a. Christine Chee) and to Phil Goff’s first campaign for the Auckland mayoralty when the bulk of his funding ($416,115) came from China Inc, including $50,000 from Fu Wah International, the Peking based company building the $200 million Park Hyatt Hotel in Auckland which was about to seek building consents from Auckland Council for around $500 million of property development. These are evidence of China, New Zealand’s only potential enemy, interfering in our politics of which Ardern has seen nothing.

I haven’t read the He Puapua Report”. Well, you wouldn’t see it if you instructed your officials not to show it to you. How can such an important document, the biggest proposed change to our constitutional arrangements since 1840 as it proposes the destruction of our unitary system of government and its replacement by a new, apartheid like structure in which the tribal elite will have the whip hand over all other New Zealanders, not be seen by the Prime Minister unless she instructed them not to show it to her?

I’ve given you my word. You will not have a capital gains tax under a Labour led government that I lead,” she said during the party leaders’ debate before the 2020 Election” A few months later her government forced parliament into urgency to ram through a doubling of the “bright-line test”, doubling the length of time that investors have to hold a property in order to avoid paying tax on its capital gain when they sell. This was simply a capital gains tax by another name.

My primary goal is to manage Covid with as few restrictions on our daily lives as possible…and to accelerate our economic recovery”. Her actions belie her words – as shown throughout the book. “All of us actually want to move on [and return to normal]; we’re putting ourselves in the best possible position to do that”. So, why continue the colour “red” on the traffic light system, why persist with mandates and vaccine passes when they are unnecessary since with Omicron the fully vaccinated
are just as likely to contract the virus as the unvaccinated – as the Government’s own figures show (See page 157).

Christopher Luxon: ” Ardern leads the most divisive government in recent times”.

Ardern: “I totally disagree with that“.

This is Appendix A of the book, “A Jab in the Dark; Covid Vaccines and the new Health Dictatorship”, by Ron Asher. Published by Tross Publishing and available for $35 (including postage within New Zealand).