chris hipkins Archives - Tue, 17 Sep 2024 19:09:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 chris hipkins Archives - 32 32 222056588 Little Hipkins is a BIG Liar Sun, 15 Sep 2024 19:08:20 +0000 It became obvious during the contrived Covid scare that the Ardern government’s front man, Chris Hipkins, was not one who could be believed as he and his government kept repeating the lie that their preferred – indeed favourite – Pfizer vaccine was “safe and effective” when in fact it was neither. As they say, once […]

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It became obvious during the contrived Covid scare that the Ardern government’s front man, Chris Hipkins, was not one who could be believed as he and his government kept repeating the lie that their preferred – indeed favourite – Pfizer vaccine was “safe and effective” when in fact it was neither.

As they say, once a liar, always a liar and that is certainly the case with the little non-entity who is the current leader of the New Zealand Labour Party. He can’t even answer a straight question such as “Can you define a woman?” When asked this question that even Stone Age people could have answered easily he ducked for cover and refused to answer. One has to wonder if he has ever seen a woman naked.

His latest whopper was the statement he made in July, 2024, that, in signing the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840, the chiefs did not cede sovereignty of their lands to the Crown. This statement is in spite of the fact that Article First of the Treaty, which the chiefs signed, states “The Chiefs of the Confederation of the United Tribes and the other chiefs who have not joined the confederacy, cede to the Queen of England for ever the entire sovreignty [sic] of their country”. Pretty clear – even to a primary school student.

By their speeches at Waitangi on 5th and 6th February, 1840, as recorded by William Colenso, the chiefs showed that they clearly understood that they were ceding the sovereignty of New Zealand in return for obtaining from the Crown a proper and permanent title to the lands they occupied – an advantage they had never had before since they had previously possessed these lands only conditionally – so long as a stronger tribe did not attack them and dispossess them of their lands (and usually of their lives as well).

The chiefs at Waitangi in 1840 had more intelligence and more honesty than this grubby little nobody that the Labour Party has thrown up as its leader in the 21st century.

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