Sweat and Toil; The Building of New Zealand



John McLean


Price: NZD $40.00 (postage included)
Size: Other
Type: Soft Cover
Pages: 252 pages of text and photos

In this single volume are detailed descriptions of several of the big public works projects in the pioneer period that turned New Zealand from a trackless waste into a well-serviced nation of the modern world.

The creation of roads, bridges, railways, viaducts, wharves, docks, lighthouses, tramways, the telegraph and other public utilities was not achieved without the brains of the engineers, the organising ability of the contractors, and the sweat and labour of the teams of workers, sometimes numbering in the hundreds for just one project.

By spreading communications and services into the back country these men were helping to forge a new nation and to make life easier for its people. Only by reading of these undertakings, of life in the bush camps, of courage and perseverance in the face of sometimes unbelievable difficulties, can one appreciate and get the feeling of this magnificent achievement of pioneer New Zealand.

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