A Jab In The Dark



Ron Asher


Price: NZD $35.00 (postage included)
Size: A5
Type: Soft Cover
Pages: 200

This book exposes the myth that the Covid vaccine being jabbed into the arms of New Zealanders is “safe and effective”. It is neither. According to figures from the independent body, New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out for Science, some 308 New Zealanders had died from the vaccine as of 27th January, 2022 – six times the number who had died from Covid itself. This high death rate from a risky vaccine, produced in a hurry without the normal checks and with unknown long-term effects, is also reflected in the official VAERS figures in the U.S.A., showing 21,745 deaths caused by the vaccine as of 7th January, 2022.

Designed for the original Wuhan virus, the vaccine is not effective against Omicron, which is a different virus. A jab does not kick in fully for about 14 days and then starts to wane almost immediately so that after six months it is protecting less than half of those jabbed.

The book explains the superiority of natural immunity over vaccine “immunity” and how the New Zealand government has used fearmongering and intimidation to create a crisis around a virus that in almost all cases is no worse than a bout of the flu so as to give it an excuse to exercise control over the lives and movements of five million people. A “must read” on a topic that affects the health and freedom of everybody.

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