By Freedom Freak.

Some years ago I was visiting a friend in Canterbury who lived in a large, colonial style house. He was showing me over the place and was justly proud of his extensive library. I thought of Cicero’s words, “So long as you have a library and a garden, that’s all you need”. Then there was a rather dark, inner room that contained various pieces of furniture, including one that had a large, black dust cover over it. “What’s that?” I asked. “That’s my television set,” he explained. “I never watch it except for Election Night and maybe a Test match. So that’s why I store it in here.”

I was impressed and when I got home and looked at my own idiot box, which hadn’t been turned on for several years, I decided to get rid of it. I took it to the tip but they wouldn’t accept it as television sets contain some parts that are likely to pollute the ground. I was then directed to a recycling centre. They said that they would take it but I had to pay $40 for the trouble. Very cheap for ridding myself of such an unwanted item. 

The reason why I stopped watching TV was because the TV1 News, which I used to watch, was becoming indoctrinating rather than informative. In fact, New Zealand must be the only country on earth where the ads are better than the programmes.

To save the hour every day that one would otherwise be exposing one’s mind to the “News”, which is filtered by a bunch of small-minded, intolerant, Woke know-alls until it is more their opinion than what actually happens, is a gift worth having. More time for gardening, reading, socialising or just running on the beach. There are 24 hours in a day, of which around eight are for sleeping, leaving only twelve for us to enjoy. Why would anyone want to waste one twelfth of one’s life having their minds manipulated in such a way? It is not so much what the TV moguls deign to show us but what they keep back. You wouldn’t let them cut off your leg and take it away, so why should they be able to destroy your mind – probably the most important part that we are born with? Television has been in New Zealand only since the 1960s. Before that the country got along very well without it and people had more time for exercise and leisure.

TV1 News, biased, trivial and unprofessional, was the reason why I ceased to be a tele-moron as its smarmy newsreaders tried to talk down to the audience as if we were all children. I had not polluted my mind with this propaganda for some years until I saw an excerpt from it on the Stop Co-Governance blog on 6th August, 2023.

This particular “news item” was not a news item but part of a campaign to denigrate the Stop Co-governance movement and its founder, Julian Batchelor. They featured his 26 page booklet, of which at that time 350,000 had been printed. That must really have frightened the Woke brigade that have been trying to keep the potentially explosive Co-governance project under the radar until such time as it is clamped down on all of us who will quickly realise that it is not “co-governance” at all but the power of the ever greedy tribal elite to have a veto over all government decisions. In other words, tribal power and a reversal of the democracy and equality that were enshrined in Article 3 of the Treaty of Waitangi. Suppression of the arguments in Julian Batchelor’s booklet, rather than engagement with them, was clearly what inspired the news item.

They damned this informative booklet as “alarming misinformation” and “dangerous speech” (certainly “dangerous” to the tribal elite) and making “unfounded claims that the Maori elites are trying to take over the country”. That is not an unfounded claim as the He Puapua Report specifically shows that the plan is for “Maori” (code for the tribal elite)  to take full control of New Zealand by 2040 – a goal that is also the aim of the Maori Party.

Not content with these words of condemnation, the item went on to interview a newly arrived immigrant to New Zealand, Sanjana Hattotuwa of the “Disinformation Project”. In broken English he screamed that the booklet was “racist rhetoric” and “colonialism’s long shadow”. Well, those two statements are certainly “disinformation” and so the Project is aptly named.

The one common thread of these broad-brush accusations was that not a single instance of “alarming misinformation” or “dangerous speech” or “racist rhetoric” from the 26 page booklet was cited in the news item for the simple reason that it doesn’t contain any. If there were any lies or “misinformation” in the booklet, it would have been easy to show them. 

Having not watched this awful channel for some years, what really disturbed me was that there are enough people who must still watch TV1 News as it has not yet gone off the air for lack of viewers.

Although the “news item” attacked the booklet, it made no effort to mention what the issues of co-governance are, the most obvious of which is the end of accountable democracy and equality before the law. TV1’s aim was a cynical attempt to silence debate on this fundamentally important issue. People need to know the truth about co-governance, the booklet explains this and so it must be condemned. Full stop. End of story. How dare any citizen want to obtain information from a “non-official” source instead of from TV1 News.

Probably the most important reason for a news channel to fall so far short of honest and objective reporting is the Media Bribe – the $55 million “Public Interest Journalism Fund” which the profligate, manipulating and indoctrinating government of Jacinda Ardern threw to the media on certain conditions. One of these conditions is that they must report “Treaty matters” on the basis that the Treaty of Waitangi was a “partnership” between the Crown and Maori, which is a complete lie as several of Tross Publishing’s books have shown – Twisting the Treaty, One Treaty; One Nation, and The Treaty; Basic Facts”.

A lying media are not only dangerous to the nation, its economy and its future but also to those who expose themselves to it by switching on the TV News each night at 6 p.m. We are all born with a beautiful brain. It needs to think for itself rather than have thoughts pumped into it by a manipulating and mischief-making media.

When a certain well-known Wellington sportsman was going off to the Second World War he decided to give himself a great send-off by having about eight old pianos put on Lyall Bay beach. Then, come darkness, he and his friends had a “piano smashing party”. Surely it is time that we started to work together and have TV smashing parties on the beach, in the parks and in the bush. “Keep Your Mind; Ditch The TV”. 

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