Among the many racist, hate-filled tirades that come out of the mouths of Maori Party M.P.s one of the most ridiculous was when its Te Tai Tokerau M.P., Mariameno Kapa-Kingi, accused the Government of New Zealand of having” a mission to exterminate Maori”. In fact, there are no Maoris to exterminate as they exterminated themselves by preferring to breed with Europeans rather than with each other. As a result the last full-blooded Maori died in the 1950s and to-day there are not even any half-bloods. What we have instead is a successor race of “part-Maoris” who have more non-Maori blood in them than Maori.

However, these facts of nature seem to have escaped the sleepy mind of the M.P. for Te Tai Tokerau, which is why she made such an ignorant and ridiculous comment that is in defiance of both truth and nature. She needs to be enlightened. And so does the Maori Party itself which, if it had any honesty, would change its name to the “Part-Maori Party”.

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