During his unwelcome visit to New Zealand in June, 2024, Chinese Premier Ki Qiang said that China would grant visa-free entry to any New Zealand passport holders who might feel like visiting China to get a taste of its dictatorship and a smell of its unhygienic markets, malls and public toilets. This was announced at a joint conference with New Zealand Prime Minister, Christopher Luxon, who looked on smilingly as he no doubt relished the opportunity of getting to know this Chinese brute who has so much to offer National Party Prime Ministers in the way of “China business” after they leave politics – e.g. the nauseating, if not utterly treacherous, way that Jenny Shipley and John Key have enriched themselves post-retirement from a China that they went out of their way to oblige while in office. The fact that China, under the iron-fisted rule of the C.C.P., is a gangster state with no rule of law is something that they conveniently put out of their minds so as not to impair their financial prospects after their retirement from politics. Also, the fact China in its current form is New Zealand’s only potential enemy is something that they were either too dumb to realise or too traitorous to acknowledge.

Luxon knows – as Shipley and Key knew – that China is probably the most untrustworthy nation on earth. It is the only country that, when New Zealand government ministers visit, they take “clone phones” with no stored e-mails or text messages since they don’t trust China not to interfere with their devices.  

So, what will be the prospects for any New Zealander who is naive enough to take up this visa-free offer to visit China – the country that finances so much of the National Party through its agents and hangers-on? 

Your ‘welcome’ begins at Immigration where the normally surly, arrogant, officials are incredibly friendly. They chat away, and one chats back. And your voice is recorded.

Past Immigration is the Customs Hall where 86 cameras record every inch of the body – eyes, skull (more on that later), hands, height, girth, gait, etc.

Finally, you are outside and can start enjoying China’s delights. Just one problem. China is cashless. All transactions are on Alipay or WeChatpay. An issue that can be overcome by downloading the various apps. Which instantly connect you to Beijing security. For emergency, of course.

The apps, once downloaded, are in the local lingo, ie. Chinese. Just ask a helpful local in the street. Recorded on CCTV and instantly transmitted to city security. All interactions with foreigners are recorded. There is no escape.

To be honest, there are a few folk who might, just might, accept Chinese paper money. Just don’t expect change.

Foreign credit cards? Seldom accepted. For example, out of 50,000 taxis in Shanghai, only 50 have been permitted to accept foreign cards.

You’ve got your app. Time to explore. Forget searching. Google is banned. Follow the street signs, you think. All in Chinese. There used to be an English translation. No more. “Security”, you are told.

Back to one’s 5 star hotel. There is a reason Chinese government officials are banned from meeting in 5 star hotels. All rooms, public areas, including toilets, are under audio and visual surveillance. 

Humans are vain animals. That app that you downloaded conveniently allows the user to minutely inspect one’s scalp. For baldness, we are told.  A big help. Especially for security who can then find the exact measurements of the skull to feed into their facial recognition software.

Spread the word. China’s welcome is real. And it all begins at any Chinese entry point. 

For more on the truths about China and its danger to New Zealand, to our freedoms, our democracy and our way of life, see Tross Publishing’s book, “In the Jaws of the Dragon; How China is taking over New Zealand and Australia” Price: $35 (including postage within New Zealand). 432 pages.

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